Saturday, October 16, 2010

Game 6 vs.Green Sharks

It was a challenging day on the field for our Fireballs.  Although the other team only had 6 players, they had some bigger sized kids on their team that made it much more difficult for our Fireballs to score.  Although we were only able to get one goal in the net, our Fireballs fought hard to get the ball to our goal.  There were moments on the field where the ball didn't seem to move because there were about 8 pairs of legs trying to get it through the other legs.  A few sign of improvements: more of our players were running back on defense to stop the other team from scoring; they were calling for the ball on throw ins and goal kids; and even though there was a wall of opponents to try to get the ball past, our players stuck to it and kept trying to get the ball to our goal!

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